Supporting Freedom


America must compete – and prevail – in the global competition with China, its greatest geopolitical rival of the 21st century. 

China represents one of the most consequential national security challenges for the United States this century. The U.S. must take strategic steps to ensure it triumphs against China’s authoritarian agenda to re-shape the global order.

China under its current leader Xi Jinping is an aggressive, expansionist, and mercantilist power that seeks to replace the U.S.-led global order with its own authoritarian version. To effectively deal with the China challenge, the U.S. should implement a comprehensive domestic and international strategy to deter Beijing’s malign behavior. We must take decisive action to prevent China’s gross human rights violations against its own people, including the Uyghur and Tibetan population, and its facilitation of human rights abuses beyond its borders, including in North Korea and Ukraine.

The U.S. must lead with our values of freedom and democracy to deter a China-led axis of global authoritarianism.
