
Five Questions with Michelle Parrozzo

Michelle Parrozzo with a young Syrian refugee in the camps in Greece. In 2017, A21 was recognized with the Mother Teresa Memorial Award for its work recovering refugees from human trafficking.

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, so before we flip the calendar, we are joined by Michelle Parrozzo (EOP, DoEd, DoD), who since 2016 has worked with A21, a global nonprofit whose mission is to abolish modern day slavery in the 21st century. Parrozzo, who is clearly passionate about her work, shares insights into how human trafficking takes place in the U.S. and how we can recognize it in our own communities. She leaves us with a leadership lesson from her time in the administration that still serves her well, along with a favorite memory of special morning phone calls during her days at the White House.

Q: Can you tell us about your work at A21, starting with why it’s called A21?

A21 is a global anti-human trafficking organization. We are called A21 because our mission is to abolish modern-day slavery in the 21st century…so we have a little bit of work to do! What drew me to A21 was our holistic, survivor-focused approach. We have curriculum written to California and Texas core standards so it can go into any public school to educate on human trafficking, what it is and isn’t (actually Dallas ISD is one of our pilot districts, outworking the curriculum). We work alongside law enforcement in each country we are in to help combat trafficking and run the national human trafficking hotlines for: Greece, Bulgaria, South Africa and Spain. Our approach to survivor restoration is to set them up for independence as quickly and safely as possible. Each plan is tailored to the specific survivor needs and we work to make them the hero of their own story, not us. We come alongside them as a guide to the path of restoration. We have seen this to produce an extremely high-level success rate that they go on to live truly free lives and are not susceptible to being trafficked again.

I started as a donor and joined the full-time team in 2016, overseeing all of our support operations. Now I oversee our expansion efforts as the Global Director for Strategic Partnerships.

Q: A21 fights to end slavery around the world, but where is human trafficking occurring in the United States? What should we all be looking for?

Human Trafficking is a crime happening in plain sight. It is the second-fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, and is happening everywhere. There are many signs to trafficking depending on the type, with labor trafficking being the most common form of trafficking. Look for people who seem to not have a say in decisions, who seem afraid to make eye contact and may seem to look toward one person before doing anything. We have a number of videos that people can watch, as well as a list of indicators through our Can You See Me Campaign. I have linked them and recommend watching the videos for the US and UK. The biggest recommendation I would have is if you suspect something, call the police or the National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888 or text 233733. Do not intervene, it often will make things worse for the victim and can endanger you.

Q: Besides donating, how can the average person help?

Education is key. We are seeing a large increase in online trafficking and exploitation. We have guides to talk to teens and kids about online safety. And there is a list of indicators on what to look out for with children if they are being groomed online. If you are interested in learning how to get the curriculum into your school district we would love to help. It is free of charge, and we have seen incredible successes and would love to stop trafficking before it even starts. We also have a wealth of other resources on our website to help educate yourself and others. You can print many of these out and have them available to groups you may be a part of. We do trainings and I can connect with you to learn what might be a great way for you to get involved. We also have wish lists of needs for our survivors that you can purchase from. All these items go to survivors directly helping them get set up in their own housing situation, education or other areas they are making strides in.

Q: Is there a leadership lesson from your time in the Administration that continues to serve you well today?

I marvel often at all the incredible leaders President Bush pulled together. The sheer fact that I was able to watch and learn from so many, was an invaluable gift to me. I think the biggest lesson I learned was the responsibility to use the gifts and talents you have to make the world a better place. Humility and an openness to listen to opposing ideas, and learning where the other person is coming from, has served me well. Working in anti-human trafficking brings this to mind often, that those who have freedom have a responsibility to protect and fight for the ones who do not. There is rarely a day that I do not lean on some lesson I learned from my time in the administration. I am so grateful to all who poured into me as a young staffer, and I don’t get to say thank you to them enough or at all so THANK YOU! It is because of the opportunity I had to serve alongside wonderful people that I am capable and equipped to do the work I am now called to do.

Q: Can you leave us with a favorite moment or story from your time in the administration?

Oh man, there are so many stories. I truly look back on those days as the “good ol’ days” and look forward to each reunion. The experiences and the people are like none other.

One that keeps coming to mind was The Chief calling me so many mornings in M&A, and asking, “how is the weather outside of your window?” Mind you, there were no windows in my office. I told him each time, “it’s a beautiful day in M&A, sir.” It helped me keep the right attitude starting each day. And truly, every day we had to serve really was a beautiful day.